Sorry, excuse our appearance, we are currently under construction.
Existing style: Ranch
Project: Convert to Beach House
Existing Sq Ft: 1,224
Approximate Proposed Sq Ft: 850
Approximate Total Sq Ft: 2,074
Existing style: Cape
Project: Phase 1: Convert to Colonial Phase 2: Renovate Garage
Existing Sq Ft: 1,494
Approximate Proposed Sq Ft: 561
Approximate Total Sq Ft: 2,055
Donovan St. Cold Spring Harbor, NY
Existing style: Colonial
Project: Renovate 1st and 2nd Floors as well as improve curb appeal
Existing Sq Ft: 2,416
Approximate Proposed Sq Ft: 1,023
Approximate Total Sq Ft: 3,439
Existing style: Cape
Project: Add second floor addition and improve curb appeal
Existing Sq Ft: 2,470
Approximate Proposed Sq Ft: 2,094
Approximate Total Sq Ft: 4,564
Existing style: Ranch
Project: Convert to Colonial and improve curb appeal
Existing Sq Ft: 1,650
Approximate Proposed Sq Ft: 1,969
Approximate Total Sq Ft: 3,619